1. This is a legal Institution under the provisions of the Constitution of India.
This is an Independent, un-aided, private educational institution having the right
to impart education and conduct its own examinations.
2. Strict discipline and good behavior by the students among their colleagues and
Management as well, is the prime condition of this Institution and any contravention
shall entitle the Institution to take appropriate action against such contravention.
3. Programme Certificates will be awarded to the students on the successful completion
of the courses or on passing the final examinations. This institute does not guarantee
higher studies and employment on the strength of Certificate awarded by it.
4. The Programme Certificates awarded by this Institution do not come under the
purview of UGC or other Acts and they neither depict nor declare equivalent to Certificates
or Degrees awarded by any statutory Board or Institution.
5. This Institution reserves its right to alter, modify, delete any of the terms
& conditions including Fee Structure, Examination procedure etc., Etc.,
6. This institute reserves the right to drop any Programme on account of administrative
and other constraints or due to non availability of required strength of students.
If a course is dropped before commencement of the Programme all the fees paid by
the students will be refunded to them, if a course is dropped in the middle of the
Programme due to circumstances beyond the control of the institution, fees paid
in advance for the remaining part of the Programme, will be refunded (after one
year) to the students. However, if the course is dropped in the middle of the Programme
due to agitation by the students, etc., fees paid by the students will not be refunded.
7. If the student enrolls himself / herself in a Programme, it will be by his own
will and wish. ID shall enroll in a Programme only after inquiring about the value
of the Programme and the Certificate. If he later raises any objection against the
Programme studied by him/her or the Certificate awarded to him/her by the Institution
then he/she is liable to punishment as per law.
8. The students, who are concerned about the statutory recognition, need not apply
for the Programme. 9. All disputes relating to admission, study, examination, issue
of results, marks statement Certificates and etc etc are governed by Civil Laws
and Civil Courts only subject to Hyderabad Jurisdiction.
Name of the Student |
Father's Name |
Address |
City |